We strongly oppose the use of anabolic steroids or any illegal or banned substances. Our purpose is to bring you legal alternatives to help you achieve your goals. Our products contain only ingredients that are well established dietary supplements and contain nothing illegal or banned in the U.S.
What Are Steroidal Supplements?
Bodybuilding Anabolic Steroid Supplements

In the United States, supplements such as dehydroepian-drosterone (DHEA) can be purchased legally without a prescription through many commercial sources including health food stores. They are often referred to as dietary supplements, although they are not food products. They are often taken because the user believes they have anabolic effects.
Steroidal supplements can be converted into testosterone (an important male sex hormone) or a similar compound in the body. Whether such conversion produces sufficient quantities of testosterone to promote muscle growth or whether the supplements themselves promote muscle growth is unknown. Little is known about the side effects of steroidal supplements, but if large quantities of these compounds substantially increase testosterone levels in the body, they also are likely to produce the same side effects as anabolic steroids.
~ courtesy of www.nida.nih.gov
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