Deca Durabolin
We stongly oppose the use of anabolic steroids or any illegal or banned substances. Our purpose is to bring you legal alternatives to help you achieve your goals. Our products contain only ingredients that are well established dietary supplements and contain nothing illegal or banned. *

Are You Looking For An Anabolic Steroid Alternative That Really Works?
What Is Deca Durabolin?
Deca-Durabolin has for a long time been the drug of choice for bodybuilders and strength athletes because of its ability to quickly add muscle, decrease body fat levels and relieve joint problems. It is also believed to have fewer undesirable side effects than other anabolic steroids.
Deca Durabolin information
Deca is frequently preferred to testosterones
because of a lesser aromatization to estrogen and lesser androgenic
side effects like acne, increased body hair growth and acceleration
of male pattern baldness - if you are predisposed to this condition.
Are You Now Interested In Obtaining A Safe And Effective Deca Durabolin Alternative?
Well there is some good news for those of you out there that want to experience the extreme muscle-building / fat-melting effects of DECA but have not yet had the means of obtaining it. We are now selling a NEW LEGAL supplement may be comparable to Deca Durabolin in muscle building results.
The single most important factor in maximizing muscle growth is environment. Ecdy-Bolin works to create the "perfect" muscle-building environment in the body, among other positive effects. The perfect conditions for creating the perfect muscle building environment include maintaining a positive nitrogen balance and increasing protein synthesis along with intelligent, consistent exercise and a balanced diet rich in protein. It's long been understood that if the body was able to maintain the perfect anabolic environment, maximum muscle growth would occur.
Maintaining positive nitrogen balance and increased protein synthesis without also incurring hormonal side-effects was the trick. This is why researchers became so enthralled with ecdysterone when Doctor Burdette in 1963 found that ecdysterone enhanced the rate of protein synthesis. This was the beginning of over 50 studies showing the remarkable effects of ecdysterone on the body while simultaneously showing no side effects.
Increase Lean Muscle Mass While Reducing Body Fat The most often quoted ecdysterone scientific study was published in Scientific Sports Bulletin by S. Simakin in 1988. The objective of Simakin's famous study was to determine the effect of ecdysterone on muscle tissue mass and fat mass, while testing for hormonal changes in the subjects. For the study, three control factors were used: a placebo, protein, and ecdysterone with protein. The results were significantly in favor of the third factor. Of the 78 highly trained male and female athletes who consumed just protein, they showed only a slight increase in muscle mass for the 10 day period of time. Those who used a placebo lost a slight amount of lean muscle, while those who used protein plus ecdysterone showed a 6-7% increase in lean muscle tissue with nearly a 10% reduction in fat! Let me say that again: A 10% reduction in fat and a 7% increase in lean muscle tissue in just 10 days!
What can Ecdy-Bolin Do?
* Increases protein synthesis
* No conversion to Estrogen
or DHT
* Rapid recovery from
intense workouts
* Increase muscle mass
* Muscle repair, rebuild
and growth
* Stamina
* Increase energy
* Decrease body fat
* Strength
In fact.... ECDY-BOLIN is so powerful that taking only 3 100 mg capsules daily may give you the same effects as deca durabolin. People have been known to get results using injectable DECA. Now you can forget about poking yourself with a needle and take this oral capsule! Taking only one cycle of our NEW ECDY-BOLIN formula may leave you with results that will be nothing short of spectacular.
ECDY-BOLIN is an extremely potent and effective anabolic supplement. It should only be taken by people who are serious about added muscle and mass.
Buy Deca Durabolin Alternative
Get our pure pharmaceutical
grade ECDY-BOLIN 300 mg 60 capsules now only $49.95 Plus $7.00
Also we will include the following FREE BONUS, if you order in the next 5 days:
FREE BONUS (valued at
"Mass With Power Program" - Lays out an simple to follow day by day, and
lift by lift program based on sound power/size training. Get ready for
some of the most effective training you will ever do!
P.S. After completing your first cycle with this product... You may achieve Mind-Blowing Results! Ecdy-Bolin is a powerful compound to say the least and based on the research, it can definitely help you maximize your genetic potential. Best of all, it's proven safe and effective for both men and women!
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Disclaimer: The information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.