Anabolic Steroid Use Story

My Personl Story
By Doug the Demon manTo whomever is considering steroids - I am a avid bodybuilder who never had to diet before competions. I won Mr.Sumter South Carolina 1980 and-the NPC novice Open Mr. Maryland 1983. I actually competed in a national qualifier "The greater Pocno valley nationals-1995. I took 4th place in Light Heavys. During my tenure of competing I had taken steroids in cycles throughout my competing days. The last time I was in really competing shape was in 2003.
I had taken 14 weeks of deca and some test. Unfortunately I was plaqued with back problems and had to get a spinal fusion in Feb 03. After that, I had to spend 1 year recovering from the surgery and lost 25 lbs.
Now I started to pick up the weights again as I started to feel better, and designed a routine that has enabled me to do high intensity training without having to suffer with back problems.
I noticed in late 2004 my libido was little to nothing, I didnt care too much cause I wasnt in a relationship, I am divorced with 2 kids, I spent alot of time taking care of them. I purchased a complete gym with everything needed for bodybuiling in April of 2004. I figured since I had muscle memory and my arms were only 15 inches before they were 18.5 inches, I figured in 6 months I would be back to my old self.
I wasnt making gains like I should have, because I have taken off before and bounced right back. This time I went to the doctors complaining of low libido, low and be-hold I had very low testostrone serum levels. I have to get blood work every 2 weeks and then eventually every 3 months.
My conclusion is when I took steroids back in 2002-2003 I never allowed my body to recover and start to produce testostrone normally. I played with fire and got burned, there seems to be a huge problem in bodybuilding with guys wanting to juice! However, I have more respect for the guys who have 16 inch arms and are drug free, than a guy who has 20 inch arms who take alot of steroids, and most guys don't even compete but take the roids anyway.
I just think you should really consider all avenues before you start to inject youself with steroids. I am paying for it now.
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