Steroid Related Deaths - Steroid Health Risks
Death from Steroids?

By Todd Ganci
When I was cycling, I used to humor myself by asking "If steroids are so bad, where are the bodies?" At that time I didn't hear stories about too many people that had serious health problems or any that died from steroids. It turns out the problems take years to manifest and many die prematurely, in their 30's, 40's or 50's instead of their 60's, 70's or 80's. The following are but a few of the many:
- Sonny Schmidt died at 46
- Scott Klein died at 30
- Ron Teufel died at 45
- Dan Duchaine died at 48
- Mohammed Benaziza died at 28
- Andreas Munzer died at 30
- Mike Mentzer died at 49
- Ray Mentzer died at 47
- Don Ross died at 55
- Don Peters died
- Ray Raridon died
Steroid Health Risks
- Dennis Newman (leukemia)
- Orville Burke (coma)
- Don Long (kidney failure)
- Tom Prince (kidney failure)
- Flex Wheeler (kidney transplant)
- Tom Prince (kidney failure)
- Ed Corney (stroke)
- Boyer Coe (heart)
- Danny Padilla (heart)
- Pete Grymkowski (heart)
- Mike Martarazzo 39 (triple bypass heart surgery)
The average US citizen lives to be 77.2 years old. The average citizen doesn't eat right or exercise enough, that's why the obesity rate is at the highest it's ever been. Athletes, especially bodybuilders eat great and exercise a lot. Why are so many dying 20, 30 or even 40 years sooner than the average couch potato?
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