Six Pack Abs Workout Routine

OK, We're talkin prominent C-THRU six/eight pack that looks like you're displayin' a mountain range behind your shirt/tank or tee. Teen & Junior abs should ALWAYS look like they're explodin' with pride. So let's make 'em so they can NEVER hide but instead 3rd dimension announce themselves PURE-RAW SHOWMUSCLE ANIMAL!
Those abs are probably by now incredibly strong and durable through all those endurance reps, which is kool for an athlete but NOT for showmuscle. You've now gotta think size, cuz size really matters including abs. Hypertrophy is what you want not more conditioning. Break down those fibers deep, deep down and make 'em grow THICK for show! So we're talkin about a special GROWTH program here.
STOP training yer abs for two weeks, preferably three weeks even. This will detraumatize them. Now after that, you've gotta slaughter 'em real evil, but heavy and quick. QUIT those crunches and leg-lifts for now and let's try:
ROPE ACCORDIAN PULLDOWNS: (this is an advanced crunch effect that really does the biz:-
- Put a thick rope around the handle of the pulley chain, kneel as though you were prayin ( yer soon will be with the burnin of those abs!) and
- Holdin' your arms straight up in front of you - narrow-grip start bowing in reverence to those awesome abs that are about to emerge from the dead.
- Feel the tension as you go down through each ab-slab as though you were playin the accordion - you are!
- With the abs acting as YOUR accordion to bring you sweet muscle music of sizzlin, 'growin-t-b' pain.
- Make it hurt and you can even scream in harmony with those roastin ab plates.
- Do four heavee sets which allow you ideally 10-12 to build those mountains and caverns - NO MORE!
NOW REST those abs for at least 72 hours. You can make sweet MUSIC & LUV to them by massaging them with oil (olive-oil or similar) during this time once or twice, and really kneed the deep-lyin' fibers to encourage recuperation.
As the weeks pass by, you will be able to add on the poundage until you are workin with really respectable poundage BUT in very slow, strict style ALWAYS and both in pos and neg mode.
You can occasionally up the reps, but NEVER or at least RARELY go over 25 otherwise or you'll be training not for showmuscle but instead, for endurance.
However some guys seem to thrive on this very high rep stuff - but if you are NOT one, you'll be wasting your time - and so it is not sacrosanct (In bodybuilding, nothing really is except you as an individual bodybuilder).
ONLY when your ab-slabs are prominent enough to be seen glowin' at 250 paces, and thrustin out with pride, can you even think of going back to standard ab work such as SLOW crunches and overhead-bar leg lifts, just to keep those mountains and valleys in prime condition and we're still talkin fabric-covered here!
Hey think how kool it will be when after placing your hand on your stomach you hear someone shout out: "are you missin a hand dude -oh sorry stud, my mistake, your deep slab-ab-pack is hidin' it!
OTHER PRINCIPAL AB-PACK CREATORS ARE: BASIC CRUNCHES: (very effective with your lower legs at 90 degrees to your lower legs and over just a 6 inch movement, especially if done slowly and you super tense the ab-plates).
HANGING LEG-RAISES (KOOL LOWER-MOLDERS): keep your legs together and slightly bent to avoid back strain. Maintain constant tension. slowly raising your knees toward your chest rolling your pelvis as you do so on the upward part of the movement with NO momentum or swinging.
There's a secondary exercise: TWISTS with bar held on traps, (now this does not work for everyone, but as a warm-down exercise it's useful.
IF it does work for you, it will tighten the serratus and obliques to give the impression of a smaller, tighter waist.
Take care to build up gradually as this is a great back 'putter-out' if you're not musclesmart.
LAST BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST: without a suitable bodybuilding food-intake program, spread over at least six small but nutritionally packed, meals a day, so that no fat can be laid down as surplus, the total package will NOT be in place. Without that and about a 20% EFA (essential fatty acid) intake, poor or non-existent results may be expected.
Can you be a whiz unc and list a few things which would help me lose unwanted fat?
- The best way to lose fat is to do it naturally by cutting down your daily calorific food intake. Remember the more muscle ratio you have, the faster any unwanted fat will burn-off. Lower gradually by 500 cals a day for a fortnight, then again a further 500 cals a day, staying on that level for another 4 weeks.
- This amount will not traumatise your body by then going into survival mode and consequently, storing more fat.
- After about 6 weeks you should begin to see a difference.
- If not reduce by a further 500 cals a day and stay on that for a further 4 weeks
- Until you see a 1-2 lb reduction in bodyweight.
- If there's any more than that, you will be losing lean body tissue, so in that case, increase your calorie intake by 250 cals a day.
- If you can lose one pound a week that is ideal. You will gradually become tighter and firmer. Try the following for a little extra fat-burning boost.
- No formcise - not aerobics, running, walking, boxing, or swimming - stimulates your muscles to grow larger and stronger to the same extent as does strength training:
- JMI'n tip More muscle elevates your metabolic rate. Each one pound of muscle added to your body requires approximately 50 extra calories per day to keep it alive and functioning. Most bodybuilders can add three to five pounds of muscle during a six-week training program if they DO IT RIGHT AND EVERYTHING WITHIN THEIR OWN GROWTH PACKAGE IS APPLIED.
- More muscle improves your body's shape and appearance.
- MORE muscle allows you to consume more calories for MORE MUSCLE without regaining your lost fat.
- Take 20% of your total daily intake in EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids). See other articles on this in Showmuscle Nutrition etc. EFA's help you to burn BAD FAT.
- DO NOT DIET AT ANY TIME. Rather program your food intake by GRADUALLY REDUCING either in carbohydrates or for some, in protein. This very much depends on your metabolic somatotype profile.
- IF YOU DIET DOWN, you body can go into emergency mode and lay down additional reserve fat deposits.
- Every so often, (perhaps once a week) treat yourself to something in your diet that you REALLY miss. This will give you added resolve to continue to use that unwanted fat.
- Don't pig out, just a 'LITTLE' treat for being diet disciplined at the other times.
- Take notice and eat in accordance with your individual metabolic somatotype profile (see specialized articles on this 'Nutrition' etc).
- BELIEVE you CAN do it and YOU WILL.
Hard, brief strength training should be a part of every adult's weekly lifestyle - especially those who need to lose fat.
Please help me Unc. I am green with envy over my training mates back-width, those lats of his sprout and spread like wings when he poses. How can I get like this?
- Like most, if not all aspects of smart showmuscle. Bodybuilding is a question of doing things which work for YOU not other people. Everyone's body composition profile is different and, consequently, requires a different attack approach. Whenever you're not sure of anything and you can't find someone whom you can really trust to ask. GO BACK TO BASICS!
- Many guys who have set up a CHINNING BAR at home and chin every day, have built spectacular VEE shapes that taper from 'wide shoulders to narrow waist.' Try it and see how it works for you.
- If you find it difficult at first, get a stool and just LOWER yourself under control. Soon you will find it easy to do fully controlled, slow 'evil' chins that forge not only your wings, but also the entire musculature of your back and shoulder girdle. Experiment with differing hand positions - see Training article section in Showmuscle. There are many, many ways to chin, with each exercise variety stressing a different area of your back.
- ALWAYS remember that cheating is to make the exercise MORE productive and not to make it easier. (don't miss the up-and-coming feature article on 'Cheat if you want to cheat yourself grow!)' Most builders train far too heavy because ego simply takes over. BUT EGO & WEIGHT ARE TOTAL ENEMIES OF GROWTH.
- In fact a lighter weight executed with mind-muscle-see-feel squeeze tension throughout the rep with 100% focusing, will create a much more significant action-potential than a too-heavy weight, which is invariably repped with sheer momentum and no real stimulation on the muscle.
- If you're weightlifting, go ahead and lift as heavy as possible cuz that's what it's all about. Showmuscle however is about using your brain which simply uses the body as a tool, which in turn, uses the weight as a tool to build muscle
- AND it all comes via the brain.
- Without the brain, there would be no muscle, so be MUSCLE-SMART!
- The greater the poundage, subject to total control and mind-muscle-see-feel-squeeze tension, certainly, the greater the GROWTH intensity stimulation BUT ONLY within those controls parameters.
- There is no question whatsoever that resistance training to stimulate the muscle requires greater resistance stress in whatever form that takes, but it should never exclusively be poundage.So what should you do to equal your mates flying wings? Well firstly, genetics comes into bodybuilding and particularly, smart showmuscle all the time. It however, never makes it impossible to achieve if you were not blessed with such good genetics, only more difficult and complex. But if you train muscle smart, it's possible and even probable that with the right MIND-SET (which is vital) you will succeed.
- FIRST select a basic exercise such as DEADLIFTS (one of the awesome, supreme growth builders) and then work to develop real growth and density in those lats- but also in the entire back.
- Increase your carb and protein intake (try ion exchange whey - see Nutrition category article 'Whey Ahead' (it's relatively cheap and totally remarkable in its growth inducing properties)
- And also, ideally take creatine with dextrose (or grape juice).
- Try to keep your reps generally to between 8 and 10 and your sets for that bodypart to a maximum of five - less is ok if it's totally to-the-edge.
- This way you WILL be able to train balls-out.
- Lots of sets and you may think your training evil but as you're tiring mentally and physically (this is not through muscle exhaustion but through central and peripheral nervous system trauma)
- YOU ARE then really only working at a fraction of your full potential.
JMI'n tip: (THINK OF YOUR MUSCLES AS AN ELASTIC BAND -HEY IF IT'S FULLY STRETCHED (WIDE) THERE'S VERY LITTLE GROWTH-POTENTIAL BUT IF IT'S NARROW, WOW! You have got masses of room to force new growth). The same with your muscles (generally - there are exceptions).
HOWEVER, DOING EVERYTHING WIDE IS A SHOWMUSCLE MISCONCEPTION AND IS MORE PSYCHOLOGICALLY REWARDING THAN ANYTHING ELSE. So do narrow, medium and wide, but if there's only time for one, opt for narrow-medium!
REMEMBER: PROGRESS via FULL& STRICT and only then, gradually HEAVIER AND HEAVIER always maintaining total control. That way you won't incur injury AND you will also pre-program YOUR bod to grow stronger and more awesome.
DEADLIFTS CAN BE EVIL. (do them with barbells, dumb-bells and freeweight or machine - just do 'em) But for all-round growth they are totally miraculous. When you progress to strictly performed, heavy poundage, watch out! Splllittt-ripppppp The Incredible Hulk will have nothin' on YOU!
Hey uncs, the only way to grow BIG is train with awesome poundage. HEAVY IS KING! What do you say to THAT! SQUATS MUST BE HEAVY TO EVEN WORK!
I totally agree IF YOU'RE a weightlifter that is. IF however you are smartmuscle NO WAY JOSE! Muscle grows solely through stimulation. Muscle doesn't want to grow and, it ONLY grows because the first priority of the bod is to survive, but that's NOT even the bods territory for it's the brains that decide.
- The brain solely decides and activates 'potentials' to allow muscle to happen.
- The brain focus connection must be a direct part of it.
IF HOWEVER, we're talking of:
- AND HEAVY-HEAVY GRINDING PUMP-FLOG REPS that make you feel sick and turn your focus into blue & black each rep. NOW you're rappin-str8 musclesmart sense!
- BUT you have to gradually build up to that future vision.
- WHEN YOU'RE THERE HOWEVER, you will be so massive and shredded and drippin with slabs of meat that every movement you will literally explode under your thin skin in a firework explosion of tortured fibers.
- You will probably be near the 300 pounder plus class and the ground will shake when you walk AND people will pay rapt attention to your every word when you talk!
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