What are the symptoms of withdrawal from steroids?

Athletes who abuse steroids often take them in a "cycling" pattern: They take the drugs in very high doses for a period of weeks or months, then stop taking them.(1,2) Stopping anabolic steroids can lead to several physical and psychological side effects, such as "depression, fatigue, decreased sex drive, insomnia, loss of appetite, dissatisfaction with body image, and craving for more steroids."(1,3) Some researchers feel that there are two phases to the withdrawal, but this concept is not widely accepted:(3,4) Phase I occurs during the first week of withdrawal, and includes flu- like symptoms such as joint pain, runny nose, diarrhea, and elevated temperature.(3,4) Phase II begins the second week of withdrawal and may last up to several months; symptoms are depression and craving for steroids.(3,4) Whether this model adequately describes the withdrawal symptoms of high-dose steroid abuse or not, suicidal depression may occur after steroids are withdrawn.(4-6) If possible, withdrawal from steroids should be monitored by a health care professional to determine the risk of suicide in each case. REFERENCES 1. Brower KJ, Eliopulos GA, Blow FC, Catlin DH, Beresford TP. Evidence for physical and psychological dependence on anabolic androgenic steroids in 8 weight lifters. American Journal Of Psychiatry 1990 Apr;147(4):510-2. 2. Kashkin KB, Kleber HD. Hooked on hormones - an anabolic steroid addiction hypothesis. JAMA J Am Med Assoc 1989 Dec 8;262(22):3166-70. 3. Brower KJ, Catlin DH, Blow FC, Eliopulos GA, Beresford TP. Clinical assessment and urine testing for anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse and dependence. American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 1991;17(2):161-71. 4. Brower KJ. Addictive potential of anabolic steroids. Psychiatric Annals 1992 Jan;22(1):30-4. 5. Narducci WA, Wagner JC, Hendrickson TP, Jeffrey TP. Anabolic steroids - a review of the clinical toxicology and diagnostic screening. Journal Of Toxicology-Clinical Toxicology 1990;28(3):287-310. 6. Brower KJ, Blow FC, Eliopulos GA, Beresford TP. Anabolic androgenic steroids and suicide. American Journal Of Psychiatry 1989 Aug;146(8):1075. by Trent Tschirgi, R. Ph. (c) 1992 University of Maryland Office of Substance Abuse Studies. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.
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