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Male Low Testosterone Symptoms
The symptoms of male menopause (low testosterone levels) are similar to the ones women experience and can sometimes be as overwhelming. However, the male menopause does not affect all men, at least not with the same intensity. Approximately 40 % of men between 40 and 60 will experience some degree of lethargy, depression, increased irritability, mood swings, hot flushes, insomnia, decreased libido, weakness, loss of both lean body mass and bone mass (making them susceptible to hip fractures) and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections (impotence).Effects of low testosterone: For these individuals, such unanticipated physical and psychological changes can be a major cause for concern or even crisis. Without an understanding partner, these problems may result in a powerful combination of anxieties and doubts, which can lead to total impotence and sexual frustration. A recent aging study showed that 51 % of normal, healthy males aged 40 to 70 experience some degree of impotence - defined as a persistent problem attaining and maintaining an erection rigid enough for sexual intercourse. This problem cannot be attributed to the aging process alone, however, because well over 40 % of males remain sexually active at 70 years of age and beyond. Other factors, notably the co-existence of degenerative or other diseases, are culpable.
Signs of Low Testosterone Level in a Man
The St. Louis ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male) questionnaire asks for the following symptoms:
Men experiencing problems 1, 7, or a combination of any four or more might be candidates for replacement therapy.
- Decrease in sex drive.
- Lack of energy.
- Decrease in strength and/or endurance.
- Lost height.
- Decreased "enjoyment of life."
- Sad and/or grumpy.
- Erections less strong.
- Deterioration in sports ability.
- Falling asleep after dinner.
- Decreased work performance.
This symptom score, however, is only a rough set of guidelines and is not absolute.
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