Deca Durabolin Info

Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanate) is highly anabolic and only moderately androgenic. It works by promoting a positve nitrogen balance in the body which causes the muscles to be able to use more protein, more efficiently than normal. It does this by causing the muscle cells to store more nitrogen than they are releasing. With this positive nitrogen balance, the muscle cells will be able to use more protein than they usually can.It takes three days after injection to dissipate from the site and stays active in the body for about 17 days. People have been known to test positive up to 1 1/2 years after the last shot. This is a very long time.
Side Effects
Typically, you can expect minor acne, higher blood pressure which causes a longer time period for blood to clot, headaches, and increased libido. Any of the following are also possible though: nausea, leukopenia, symptoms resembling a peptic ulcer, acne, edema (water retention), excitation (commonly referred to as roid rage), sleeplessness, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, hypertension, prolonged blood clotting time, increase in libido. Females had reported: menstrul irregularities, post-menopausal bleeding, swelling of the breasts, hoarseness or deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and water retention. Men had reported: cases of impotence, chronic priapism, epididymitis, inhibition of testicular function, oligospermia, and bladder irritability.
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