We strongly oppose the use of anabolic steroids or any illegal or banned substances. Our purpose is to bring you legal alternatives to help you achieve your goals. Our products contain only ingredients that are well established dietary supplements and contain nothing illegal or banned in the U.S.
Substance: Oxandrolone

Anavar was originally manufactured by Searle Laboratories under the brand name until it was discontinued a couple of years ago. It is still made by SPA Labs under the generic name, oxandrolone, in Europe. It is also available under the Lipidex brand name by Searle of Brazil. Oxandrolone is a low androgen steroid. Anavar was primarily taken by drug using bodybuilders to promote strength or muscle hardness.
Anavar Results: What Can You Expect?
Anavar Oxandrolone shares the liver toxicity problems common to 17-alkylated steroids. At one time it was thought that it did not, but both clinical and practical experiencehas shown that liver toxicity is indeed an issue. This drug has caused liver problems including liver failure, liver cysts and liver tumors. Additionally, this drug may affect your cholesterol and may increase the likelihood of heart or blood vessel problems. Other side effects include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, trouble sleeping or excitation may occur the first several days as your body adjusts to the medication. Acne, yellowing of the skin or mood changes. Males may experience loss of scalp hair, breast tenderness or swelling, trouble urinating, changes in sex drive.
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