Abbreviated Workout Results

'You've totally exploded stud!'
I was gobsmacked! The first thing I noticed since my return to the States whilst observing this now massive, impressive proportioned, handsome violet-eyed teen now 'turning the eyes of onlookers onto him;' was not just the amazing size difference. But the most awesome thing was: all that bulging meat he had slab-packed on was displayin' full n'proud and standin' out at suitably hard attention, and this was evident even through his tight-fitting tank and tailored pants outfit. No shy muscles hiding under a layer of ugly fat for Kris.
"So you must have stuck to it then after all? I thought you told me it was not enough workout for training a pussy and no way were you going to cut down from your macho five workouts a week for around 2 hours!
I won't say 'it' (= ITYSo) Kris, but most bodybuilders, just as you were doing, use workout duration and the number of sets, plus the number of workouts in a set period in which they train, as an indication of their degree of intensity. The problem though of course is: The lucky muscle guys who grow on these long duration workouts of many, many sets and who just 'throw' the heavy weights regardless to incredibly blow-up on such programs are basically, born bodybuilders with everything going for them. They just 'muscle explode' anyway.
WE ARE GOING TO DO A BALLS-OUT TORTURE WORKOUT THAT IS SO PUNISHING ON THE TARGET MUSCLE THAT IT HAS TO GROW TO LITERALLY SURVIVE. THAT MEANS IT MUST BE OF VERY SHORT DURATION. LOOK AT IT THIS WAY: YOU HAVE A TOTAL OF 100% ALLOCATION GROWTH TIME, NO MORE - NO LESS! Whether you're a beginner bodybuilder or a superstar of muscle and bursting with exploding bulges of drippin' beef wherever you look., this still holds true.
THAT TOTAL 100% has then to be split up into ALL YOUR GROWTH INITIALIZATION PHASES. Spend too much time on one and you severely LIMIT THE MAXIMUM POTENTIAL of the others.
NOW EACH REMAINING PHASE OF GROWTH INITIALIZATION of course, only then has the 100% LESS THE TIME ALREADY SPENT, which has still to be divided by the other growth phases.
REMEMBER ALSO, that YOUR training WORKOUT is NOT a growth phase but rather, a muscle fiber DESTROYING PHASE. So it stands to reason, that if you can stimulate the fiber breakdown to failure in the quickest possible duration, this will then allow YOU, GREATER, REAL GROWTH TIME for the non-workout phases.
A) A SHORT 'KILLER' BALLS-OUT workout which takes, say, 10-15 minutes and produces MAXIMUM ALL-OUT OVERLOAD (deep down-to -the-bone pumping/burning, exploding) PRODUCTIVITY, WHILST ALSO allowing more natural hormones that automatically power-growth you to do their magic on those future showmuscle bulges. But even more importantly, greater rest time and: REST TIME IS THE ONLY TIME YOU CAN GROW.
B) Or a workout, which takes an hour or to two hours plus?
(If B) Do you really believe that you can train this length of time through set after relentless set, whilst still producing maximum mindset, muscle-driving intensity equally on every set? Because if you do, you can be certain your muscle won't, your brain won't and your body won't' particular your central and peripheral nervous system - and this is what creates muscle havoc. Muscle only grows because it HAS to, and NOT because it wants to do this.
IF YOUR INDIVIDUAL GROWTH PACKAGE is right for YOU, amazing things can happen in your bodybuilding life, but get one weak link in your growth chain, and the opposite quickly occurs. Often before you are aware of it, and you find yourself losing that hard-earned slab-pack showmuscle.
The real trouble is individual genes for most of us, which are not of the super-muscle genre: WE DON'T grow during or immediately following the workout in fact the EXACT opposite. And If that 'opposite' duration then becomes too great, out of your TOTAL window-of-growth time allocation (which is ALWAYS 100%) you are immediately causing yourself problems and NOT BIG problems either, but GETTING SMALLER problems!" Use too much of one and unfairly suppress another initialisation phase and you just don't grow! Simple as that!
Showmuscle and bodybuilding can be the most deadly boring, utterly pointless way of occupying time, yet known to man, but it is YOU and YOU alone, who can turn it into the most enthralling, awe inspiring activity that turns you from the 'ordinary' into 'above average, and then, potentially into a 'superior being' and in so doing, molds you and your character for life. This makes it a TOTALLY productive art sport, which not only creates YOU (formerly weak and average, composed of mere soft flesh and bone) into a bright eyed, confident stud with an awesome power-image of stunning, steel hard musculature that 'can compel complete strangers at 100 paces to STOP DEAD, just to take a second look at you.'
BUT MORE SERIOUSLY TOO, AND THIS IS CERTAINLY SO as far as the general world is concerned, brain rules over muscle. However, showmuscle and smart bodybuilding is ALL about brain power, for it can stimulate and develop your brain to an amazing degree if you only allow it the freedom to do this: YOUR ALL-POWERFUL MIND-SET THEN drives you to achieve anything that you wish. When further combined with a 'winning personality,' the whole image naturally draws others towards you through YOUR natural magnetism. Through your persistence, determination, will power and goal minded attitude, you will have created a success-persona that will undoubtedly go places.
The BIG problem is: that only a few bodybuilders realize that muscle is all about their mind controlling their body. Your bod is in fact, a multitudinous connection of awesomely creative, high-tec functioning, electronic pulses that DICTATE what you are, and moreover, what you WILL BE. "What you think you will become" is a very true saying.
Your body is ALWAYS subordinate to your brain UNLESS you disallow this. SHOWMUSCLE is ONLY developed to FULL productivity by an immensely strong coordination of mind connection power pulses to the body, and thence to a (stress resistance force) weight. ALL this, fully controlled via your prodigiously powerful mind-set. Bodybuilding can be a true life force, which envelops you in a success-driven world of true self-achievement. But ONLY you (No one else, including the writer) have this ability to make it happen for you. THIS TRUE SHOWMUSCLE FORCE IS WITHIN YOU NOW.
So allow ALL the incredibly diverse areas of showmuscle to take their rightful place in 'Your Big Picture.' Learn and inwardly digest all that you can. YOU have more power in you than you would ever believe possible. Even when this is 'developed' as far as is currently acceptable and considered feasible, it will still be a mere percentage of YOUR true overall potential in terms of the ULTIMATE USE OF YOUR BRAIN.
Grasp and welcome all the gamut of bodybuilding programs and the permutation of ongoing showmuscle possibilities for your continual mind-muscle growth. Showmuscle is in fact a never-ending learning curve of new experience. First you MUST dream, then carefully plan what is right for YOU, and then, act to achieve YOUR end results before rightfully enjoying the trophy of success. But you can still make this easier on yourself, by dividing all this into phases to first realize short-term success, then mid-term goals and finally, your BIG DREAM turned into reality.
When you have learned this and become fully proficient in utilizing your mind-set to accomplish, you can channel it into anything you desire to eventually achieve."
When I had last trained Kris. I had deliberately put him through a hellfire torture program of VERY LOW DURATION workouts and what's more, only a very few of them in every twelve days. Instead of concentrating on his training, I enforced his growing time through supervising complete rest and eating virtually every 2 hours, whilst also sipping water regularly.
But it was such gut churning muscle target burnin' stuff, that it would have made a medieval torture dungeon seem like a holiday vacation: on a white sandy Californian beach, with the blue turquoise tinted waves crashing and then frothing gently in scintillating white watery feathers, whist the gentle sun-kissed breeze - Well, you probably get the picture!
Arthur Jones, one of the greatest showmuscle gurus, who relentlessly used brain before brawn on his 'muscle-screamin' victims' (and I do NOT exaggerate) advocated this type of regime to make that meat grow so fast that it virtually took the owner by surprise, let alone friends and family! He did this with rank beginners and also teen and junior, top 'Mr' titleholders.
His approach was that: regardless of their current standard of development, the trainees knew little or nothing when it came to truly productive, fast-track growth initialising and muscle forcing methods. He advocated and certainly practiced this, under strictly supervised, Spartan discipline and training conditions in his gym. Arthur Jones hands-on acting as Chief Coach and supervising his equally, 'ruthless supervisor minders who were literally financially penalized for demanding less than 100% discipline and commitment from their trainees workout output,' forcing max growth. The whole scenario must surely have reminded those trainees of that very hostile, inhospitable, impossibly hot place 'down- under,' controlled by the man with big horns- and I am not referring to Australia!"
At the time, I told Kris that he was about to experience the most pain he could ever imagine - and then some. But as I explained:- TARGETING POSITIVE PAIN, TO MAKE A MUSCLE SUBMIT THROUGH TOTAL STIMULATION IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE DURATION, IS THE WHOLE BASIS FOR THAT NEW GROWTH. Such pain would be the making of him as a bodybuilder. Forget all other programs for now. Just go in that gym with the concept that you know 'f-a' what bodybuilding is, and you are just about to learn. He was told that this is a program to brutally force the bod to grow muscle - serious raw muscle and without fat. It would be revolutionary, but like virtually everything else in bodybuilding not new, rather, on previously tried and tested projected programs over the years.
We turned up at the gym bright and early. I told Kris to wear body enhancing gym gear (what was the point of all this torture if he was not proud of what was taking place in his body and the results that came through it?) that would show his muscle working. 'Not that stupid, afraid of your body, cover-up stuff, so you are 'miles' away from that vital laser target focusing." The Mind-Muscle connection is so INCREDIBLY important and yet, few bodybuilders even think that their mind-set is worth worrying about, let alone, ALL powerful and the only real secret to GROWTH. Without the correct mind-set, YOUR FULL productivity will NEVER be realized.
The gym was of course clean and basic but arranged like a torture chamber, just as I like it! Kris was told that he would be workin' balls-out incredibly hard on REALLY low sets and the only purpose we were there was to FORCE him to GROW TO THE MAX. I pointed out the puke bucket to him in a corner of the gym by the showers and resting innocuously on a stool in a walk-in cupboard, at just about the right level for fitful operation. There was a plastic curtain for privacy, which could be drawn, but it was never used as the evacuation matter-in-hand was far too pressing!
We would be doing an ALL OVER BODY ROUTINE, ONE SET (usually) TO FAILURE ON EACH EXERCISE. As expected, Kris started to vehemently protest. 'Nobody can grow on just one friggin' set per exercise he started to say what's the point of having a 'f ', until I stuffed his training wriststraps in the orifice that was now making strange gurgling noises. "IF YOU THINK you have trained hard, then think again Mister!"
So he started on the workout of his life. I screamed in his face; " when I say slow I mean slow and NO" 'naughty ' cheating ( *I used a shorter word here, which has been a standby in hardcore gyms for many years and sums up how the recipient was already feeling on the 2nd REP - yes ONLY the 2nd!. I told him, 'but you are allowed to scream 'Mister, so long as it's not in my ear!' By this time, half the other occupants of the gym were making there way towards the growing excitement somewhat intrigued.
We would be doing an ALL OVER BODY ROUTINE, ONE SET (usually) TO FAILURE ON EACH EXERCISE. As expected, Kris started to vehemently protest. 'Nobody can grow on just one friggin' set per exercise he started to say what's the point of having a 'f ', until I stuffed his training wriststraps in the orifice that was now making strange gurgling noises. "IF YOU THINK you have trained hard, then think again Mister!"
So he started on the workout of his life. I screamed in his face; " when I say slow I mean slow and NO" 'naughty ' cheating ( *I used a shorter word here, which has been a standby in hardcore gyms for many years and sums up how the recipient was already feeling on the 2nd REP - yes ONLY the 2nd!. I told him, 'but you are allowed to scream 'Mister, so long as it's not in my ear!' By this time, half the other occupants of the gym were making there way towards the growing excitement somewhat intrigued.
Kris was SQUATTING DEEPN'LOW under total control and so slowly that momentum was something that was not even rated in his muscle dictionary. Muscle fiber bundles stood out in bold relief on his quads as though trying to escape their skin-imprisoned condition. He later told me after the leg workout and when he had recovered from imitating a wobbling red jelly, that he at first had regarded a big-plate and a ten on as 'just sissy.' But when later I shouted "I want twenty good uns' and he was about completing the 15th and already to think 'quit 'although displaying a most fetching (or should that be retching?) Purple color all the same . The movement was executed in a VERY slow manner. Very, very slowly almost in freeze-frame style, with a pause in the bottom position when his butt just brushed the floor and then, with an equally slow assent with no lock- out at the top. They were as perfect as you can get. He got twenty using his mind-set to control his muscle.
Before Kris had time to know what was happening, he was then manhandled to the LEG EXTENSIONS for twenty super-slow reps. No stopping from the relentless workload. When he failed, the weight was simply reduced, each rep was slow and controlled. There was a pause at the contracted position with the toes pulled way back towards him. He was showin' a nice degree of agony after the 5th and was then denied permission to twist or jerk at any point. His head remained in contact with the pad throughout or else, to focus on his target muscle. He got off - just, but was hardly able to stand, so naturally, he was immediately put under the squat bar again. "Aghhhh No!" Another twenty hell-fire squats demanded with each one now being accompanied by a strange hollerin'n-hissin' sound which got somehow louder as the 20 rep mark drew ever nearer. He was near collapse on the 18th and so failed to brush the floor with his butt hoping I wouldn't see. So that of course counted as 17! Kris racked his 20 and collapsed in a heap.
But rest was certainly not on the program - CHINNING was. He was half dragged, half carried to the chinning bar for reps done perfectly, no rest and with an underhand grip. Incredibly slowly, was the order of the day with a pause and forced forward stretch at the bottom to make those lats almost detach themselves from their insertion and then, slowly up, with a hard-squeeze contraction at the top for a count of two seconds.
12 good reps and true for upper body in perfect style and under total control at all times I conveyed to him. Just to ensure he WAS under total control, when he was near half-way I told him to 'STOP!' He stayed at that exact point for a two second count before being allowed to resume. If he failed to do this Kris now knew that it wouldn't count and he'd just be made to hold it for double-the-time. He resumed on the word 'Go' and struggled amidst a cascade of shimmering sweat droplets, with every muscle visibly working itself to death.
Whilst he was still breathing like a demented steam press, from there it was on to the STEEP DECLINE PRESS with no rest whatsoever. So drenched in sweat that his thin tank-top was by now transparent and clinging to him dejectedly, so he discarded it, but only just being capable of raising his arms to do so. Everywhere was soaked with this pore musclejuice which literally poured off him.
Kris next found himself lying on a seemingly 'impossibly' steep decline, giving at first, an impression that he was almost standing on his head. The reps were performed again agonisingly slowly with a deep stretch and a double mini-bounce to feel those fibers burnin,' whilst he was NOT even being permitted to lock out at the top and also of course, still severely squeeze-tensing all the way. So by now, his pecs were providing an attractive pyrotechnic display akin to fireworks and bright Plumb red with the pumped infusion of blood, which soon turned to Purple through his never being allowed to forget to squeeze-tension contract hard at any point- "no harder! I want harder Mister" Just with a big plate and ten, plus ten reps he was done, or so he thought, but I still insisted on two more 'with a little help from his friend'! His pecs now looked about twice the size and appeared to be physically throbbing, almost harmoniously with his breathing.
Yet again with no rest, he painfully lowered himself down to the LOW PULLEY ROWS, exactly the same torturous, slow, perfect style, and it was obvious from his facial expression that his swollen muscles were in real agony Next was PRESS BEHIND NECK and without hardly a moment to breathe the entire shoulder girdle and three delt heads were blown up and appeared to be attempting to evacuate from his skin. Onto DEEP STRETCH DIPS and I do mean very deep! Kris then labored onto STANDING CURLS AND IMMEDIATELY to ROPE PUSHDOWNS followed again by DIPS - again extra deep. He whispered "I can't" after three reps. The reply to this: "I don't understand that alien language I want ten Mister and I don't care how, so long long as they're deep dips." The NEG DIPS "killed" him and he was blubbing. Tears were mingling with the pool of sweat on the floor beneath the bar. His pecs, arms and delts had blown up and each fiber was trying to compete with the other to be the most prominent.
He took about 35 secs to do the last rep which seemed impossible to finish - No 10. He was visibly in tears, his whole body had taken on a purplish hue and it looked as though someone had taken an auto-pump to him. He just crumbed in a heap.
Three minutes later with his entire body red, raw pumped and in shock, he was color changing in a rather fetching way from purple to green to white. I pointed to the puke bucket (one should always be on hand in a hardcore gym) of which, he duly took advantage. I had already prepared a post workout carb/protein loaded drink of about 70 grams. I told him to drink it when he started breathing properly like a stud again, and not to choke. The whole workout had taken just a little over 20 mins.
Now months later, Kris was standing before me with quality meat bulging out from every angle. 'Man that first ONE SET workout was the hardest I have trained in my life" he said. 'I didn't think I was going to live at one point, but I stayed with it after you left and I just GREW & GREW . It was as though I had pressed my 'GROWTH BUTTON' and it was pre-ordained and virtually automatic. Man despite my continually uploading calories as you said I didn't put on an ounce of fat'
1.) There MUST BE zero rest between exercises and only the time to get in position.
2.) Each movement MUST BE slow and controlled with SQUEEZE-TENSION ALL THE WAY from REP 1. The first rep should be just as hard as your NORMAL/CONVENTIONAL 10th rep. Pause at full stretch and mini-bounce (where applicable) and always at contracted position squeeze even harder (ok! So pretend you're an auto steel pounder machine and visualize your turning those fibers into liguid gold). Each rep should take a MINIMUM of 10 seconds at least