We strongly oppose the use of anabolic steroids or any illegal or banned substances. Our purpose is to bring you legal alternatives to help you achieve your goals. Our products contain only ingredients that are well established dietary supplements and contain nothing illegal or banned in the U.S.
Substance: Somatomedin C

IGF-1 or insulin-like growth factor 1 is a structural homologue of insulin that exhibits insulin-like activity. IGF-1 is synthesized in the liver and it is bound to carrier proteins that determine it's biological actions. IGF-1 is also the peptide through which growth hormone exerts most of its growth promoting effects. If you raise GH levels in the body, IGF-1 levels will also rise. IGF-1 does have an effect on insulin production in the body. It will lead to a decrease in insulin secretion which at the same time increase insulin sensitivity. IGF-1 is chemically the same as insulin but it is also somewhat different. IGF-1 does not seem to regulate glucose levels in the body like insulin does though.
As far as bodybuilders are concerned, IGF-1 has several effects. It enhances nitrogen balance while simultaneously promoting fat loss. Bodybuilders are claiming a drop in bodyfat and increases in strength. It also seems to lower LDL cholesterol. IGF-1 also normalizes hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. It stimulates DNA synthesis and cell multiplication. It might stimulate red-blood cell production thereby increasing endurance. This action would be similar to what EPO does for the body as well (see EPO description). It is about 3 times less effective in this process as EPO in that respect. EPO has bee used for years to increase oxygen utilization efficiency. Bodybuilders have also found that IGF-1 reacts synergistically with long duration testosterone's as well.
This product is very hard to get ahold of as well. Most people will probably never even see a vial of this stuff. It is only made by three pharmaceutical companies in the world.
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Disclaimer: The information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.